An inkwell that once lived in a school classroom was very reckless and used to spend more ink that needed every time someone asked him to write. “You need to become thriftier”, the other school supplies told him, yet he didn’t bother changing his ways and habits. Every time they approached him to use some of his ink, they would cover their faces so as not to be spilled over.
When summer came and after school was over, the school supplies thought of giving a big end of season party. “We want you to write the invitations!”, they told the inkwell, giving him a big box filled with luxury paper.
“It will be a piece of cake!”, the inkwell told them with excitement as he opened the box. Not really trusting him, however, the other school supplies asked the quill to take care of the writing part. The inkwell would supply her with the ink needed as he saw fit, and the quill would simply apply the ink on the paper. “As the sheets of paper are limited in quantity, please make sure you don’t spill any extra ink on them”, the school supplies told them.
So they both cooperated to write the party invitations, one by one. “We’ll be delighted to see you”, the quill wrote on the first piece of paper with extra attention to detail, then let the letters dry before she folded it and placed the invitation inside an equally luxurious envelope. As soon as they saw the first envelopes piling up, both the inkwell and the quill got proud with the result, and the other school supplies got relieved to see them collaborate without any problems.
A couple of invitations later, however, the inkwell happened to give the quill more ink than needed and the quill spilled it on the paper as a result, the ink forming a big black spot right in the middle of the invitation. “Did I not tell you to give me exactly as much ink as needed?”, the quill scolded him, admitting that she had an equal share of responsibility for the failure. She then folded the half-finished invitation and threw it in the dustbin.
“Let’s go again”, the quill told him, taking a brand new sheet of paper to write on. She then dipped her tongue in the ink and started forming the outline of the letters on the paper, one by one. She then repeated the process for each and every invitation, cautious not to spill any more ink than exactly needed so they didn’t have to throw any more pieces of paper away. Along with her, the inkwell also did his best not to provide more ink than actually needed. The school supplies observed the process with bated breath, even placing bets as to whether they would finish the task or ruins even more invitations.
When at some point enough invitations piled up, they all went to put on their best clothes and get ready for the party.
“I told you!”, the inkwell said as the quill finished the words of the last invitations. So excited did he get, however, that he splashed ink all over the school supplies around him, many of which had just come back their rooms wearing their party clothes.
“You’re simply hopeless!”, they told him, going straight back to their rooms to change again. As soon as the inkwell realized what he had done, he went red with shame.
After apologizing he took his lesson, and realized that one needs to be always cautious, especially when acting out of excitement.
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