AN AMPHORA that once lived in a household loved the arts of Ancient Greece to the point that she spent countless hours reading and studying about the most famous and renowned Greek sculptures. "The most beautiful of them are to be found in museums outside of Greece", she thought one day and packed her bags to search for the most beautiful and 'lifelike' statue of all.
First, she visited the Vatican's museum in Rome to find "Laocoön' Group", which she had heard had passed the test of time with great success. "It's almost intact, but if those tiny parts were not missing, it would look like it would come alive at any moment!", the amphora thought as soon as she laid her eyes on the statue. And she was indeed correct, as the only thing missing from this marvelous piece of art was the palm of one of the hands. Second, she visited the Louvre in Paris, where she searched for Aphrodite of Milos. "She's very beautiful and looks like a real Goddess. If only the hands were intact", the amphora whispered while looking at the statue in awe. And indeed, her remark was correct, as both the left arm and a big part of the right one were missing. Last but not least, she visited the British Museum in London where she searched for the famous Caryatid. "I've never seen a more lifelike statue!", she exclaimed, unable to understand why, however. She then stood and observed every fine detail on it. Time passed quickly without her realizing, until at one point she convinced herself the statue was about to come alive and speak. "It's probably because she is not only missing her arms, but rather the other five sisters from her side", a tour guide that was passing by that moment explained to her. "You will find them in Greece", she added, and the amphora realized that the value of every piece of art lies not in its state, but rather in the story behind it. In her next stop the Amphora paid a visit to the Museum of the Acropolis in Athens, where she found the other five Caryatids, ready to speak, just like the one in the British Museum, and tell her how much they missed their lost sister....
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