A GOLDEN TROPHY once found itself forgotten on a shelf. The only thing that came to its memory was the last time the housewife held it in her arms and placed it on that specific spot. As the days passed and it got even more curious, it came up with all sorts of scenarios as to why she had put it there: that somebody had won it in a Formula 1 race or that it was a trophy well-earned in some great Olympic sport.
Right next to it, another two trophies could be found: a silver and a copper one. So, the golden trophy asked them one day: "How come you are seated beside me?" "The housewife's eldest son won me", boasted the silver trophy, "when he came second in a very demanding Mathematics competition. I'm therefore a trophy for a great Mathematician". Filled with pride it looked down at the other two trophies, as if to show them it was indeed worthier. "I was won by the housewife's youngest son", claimed the copper trophy, "when he came third in a Literature contest. I'm therefore a trophy for a great writer". It then looked at the other two trophies with even more contempt, as it thought Literature was superior to Mathematics and it anyway took far greater pleasure in reading books than in solving equations. "Who won you then?", both trophies asked the golden one. "I don't know but I'm pretty sure I'm worth more than both of you, as golden trophies are usually given to winners who earn the first place". No sooner had the golden trophy finished its phrase, than the housewife approached the shelf, grabbed it and read the inscription that was carved on it, with tears flooding her eyes: "To the best mom in the world, we award this golden trophy. You will always have the first place in our hearts. With love, your two sons!"...
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