AN ACOUSTIC GUITAR that once lived in a music school was very jealous of her cousin, the electric. “She’s so untalented, yet she can be heard louder than me”, the guitar said every time she heard the electric one making sound, and covered her ears.
She felt her talent was underestimated, as her cousin used all sorts of ‘cheats’: cables, amplifiers and speakers so as to be heard louder than others. So, she started thinking of ways to outshine her. After reading through many magazines and music books, she came to the conclusion that her strings were to blame for the quality of her sound, as she did not hit them hard enough.
“If I get a tougher and pointier guitar pick, my sound will be louder than hers”, she thought and started looking at music stores to find a pick suitable for her. She then came across many different picks, in various sizes, colors and materials, until she ended up buying the hardest pick she could find. The next day that they were all rehearsing, she patiently waited her turn, right after the electric guitar. “I have something different for you today”, she said as she walked on stage. The other musical instruments were really curious as to what she would be presenting. She touched the pick on her strings, then hit it with as much force as possible. The sound that came out was indeed much louder and much clearer than what she was used to, yet nothing to be compared to the one coming out of the electric guitar. “I have to surpass myself”, she thought, hitting the pick on her strings once more, this time with even more force than ever before. She did it. The other musical instruments were so impressed by her performance that burst into applause. The electric guitar, however, simply stood in the corner with a concerned look on her face, trying to understand how far she would go. And so, the guitar kept hitting the pick on her strings, and everything really seemed to be going well till… the first string got unstuck. “It’s nothing really, we’ll continue”, she told the other musical instruments. Happy that she was heard louder than the electric guitar and that the other musical instruments were in awe of her, she kept hitting the pick on her strings. When, at some point, a second string broke, however, she got so shocked that she froze with fear. The other musical instruments ran to the stage to calm her down. “If only you weren’t that jealous, none of this would have happened”, the electric guitar, who had realized all this was happening for her, told her. She, then, sat in a corner and cried until her tears dried. One after another then, the musical instruments calmed her down. They assured her that each musical instrument had its own talent, and she didn’t have to be loud so as to be heard, and that all that mattered in the end was to produce music that is pleasant to the ear. To console her even, with the electric guitar first, they bought her brand-new strings, along with a soft, round pen with which she gave her best shows in the years to come....
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