ONCE UPON A TIME in a garden not very far from Athens in Greece, there lived a big company of fruit and vegetables who always quarreled with each other over trivial things. So tired were they of always fighting, that at some point they eventually thought of choosing on a leader to sort out all their differences for them.
“Things would be much simpler if we had a King or Queen”, the pear told them, and they all wondered whether there was already a fruit holding such a title. “You do have a Queen and you have to go to the other side of the world to find her”, a wise owl, who was really tired of always hearing their quarrels, instructed them. The fruit and vegetables of the garden were impressed to hear it and asked her for more information. “Her name is Mangosteen and she lives in Malaysia”. So it happened. The fruit and vegetables took the first flight and after travelling for hours, they eventually found themselves in Malaysia. There they asked everybody for "Queen Mangosteen". After a long search, they eventually found an unimpressive empty throne in a forest clearing. As soon as they tried to lift it, however, they realized it was made of pure gold and would barely move an inch. “No need to search more, here I am”, a mysterious fruit that appeared from nowhere told them, and everybody wondered if there was anything royal about her. Queen Mangosteen then sat on her throne and wore her crown which was also made of pure gold. The fruit and vegetables still had their doubts, however, as gold and jewelry could also be worn by common mortals with riches. “Good Queen Mangosteen, if you come to our garden, we’ll build for you a throne even bigger and more expensive than the one you have here”, the fruit and vegetables tested her. As she wouldn’t move a muscle, however, they decided to promise her something even more enticing. “Our good Mangosteen, if you come to our garden, we’ll build you a whole palace made of gold and silver”, they told her. Yet again, she wouldn’t move. The third time they promised her something even bigger and grand. “Our good Mangosteen, if you come to our garden, we’ll build a whole Kingdom made of gold for you to rule”, they offered, believing she would give in. Instead, she just admitted she preferred her solitude. After giving up, they thought of taking her by force. “We need a Queen to sort out our quarrels”, they thought, then tied a piece of cloth around her eyes and put her on the plane. “Our Queen is sick! She’s pale like a ghost!”, they exclaimed as soon as the plane took off, realizing that their Queen was trembling and could barely breathe. They then asked the pilot to take her back to the airport, where they gave her first aid. After making sure everything was alright, they put her on a trolley and moved her back to her throne, where she could breathe fresh air. As soon as she recovered her senses, she explained: “Many many years ago, I lived among you and sorted out your quarrels. One day, however, a great wizard came to me and asked me to leave you to your own devices so that you learn how to sort your differences without external help. From that day, I prefer being alone, and should someone ask me to become their Queen again, the very thought of shaping other people’s lives makes me sick”. So, the fruit and vegetables of the garden learned their lesson. They boarded the next plane, then flew back to their country where they decided to sort their differences by themselves, without asking help from others. And our good Queen? Well, she writes letters to them once in a while, just to make sure they haven’t forgotten about her and that they won’t be needing her help anytime soon....
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