A GRAPE that once lived in a grocery store had made a bad habit out of getting angry every time someone refused his wishes. So angry did he get even, that his skin became redder than the beetroot’s.
The other fruit and vegetables avoided him, as they considered him immature. And so, the months passed, and as soon as September came, his natural color changed from green to red. The fruit and vegetables found it weird at first. As he became redder by the day, however, they thought he was angry all the time. Out of fear he might shout at them, they turned their backs on him and had no contact.
Things got really out of hand when one September day, seeing that the Sun was still in the sky and that it was still hot enough to have a bath, they all packed their things and went to the beach without telling him to come along. When he realized he was all alone, he thought they were playing hide and seek with him. He searched the grocery store, looking behind crates and barrels, and asked: “Why are you hiding from me?”
The very thought that they ignored him made him mad. He, then, saw Clementine, who was always late to get ready and whom the fruit and vegetables had inadvertently forgotten behind, and approached her to ask. When she saw the grape redder than ever before, she instantly ran and hid behind her big mirror.
The grape ran to catch her, and she ran in circles around the mirror to escape him. And they would have kept running after each other for hours, had the grape not accidentally paused for a second to catch a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror. Surprised, he exclaimed: “I’ve never seen myself red like that!”.
Taking advantage of his worried pause, Clementine grasped on the opportunity to escape him, walking out of the grocery store on the tip of her toes. As soon as she reached the door, however, the grape angrily caught the mirror and ran behind her, shouting: “Your mirror is broken and makes me look redder than in reality!”
The grape ran to catch her one more time, until eventually Clementine found a grapevine filled with ripe grapes, which she climbed to escape him.
The angry grape then stopped, and after taking a good look at the other grapes hanging from the grapevine, got really curious to understand what had really happened, as all this time he had been really proud of his green skin. The other grapes on the vine then told him: “Just as the seasons come and go, so does our skin color change when we finally… grow up!”. As soon as the grape heard it, his eyes filled with tears. He realized that the time, when others granted all his wishes out of fear of making him turn red, was gone. “…If only I could remain green forever”, he cried, wiping his tears away. No sooner had he finished his phrase, than a farmer passed by, who picked the angry grape up along with all the other red grapes of the grapevine, placed them all on the wine press, and turned them into the finest wine....
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