A FENBERRY that once lived in a grocery store was ashamed of his name, to the point that he avoided mentioning it in front of the other fruit and vegetables of the garden, thinking they would mock him for his humble origins.
One day, however, the tomato English teacher happened to tell him that he is more commonly known as ‘Cranberry’ in the English-speaking world. As soon as our good fenberry heard it, he got very excited. “That’s what I want you to call me from now on”, he told them and asked them to… forget the fenberry they knew and only address him with his modern name.
The other fruit and vegetables found it weird at first, yet agreed to his demands. Things got really out of hand, however, when, at some point, he started dressing up as a nobleman and showed them photos from cranberries from all over the world, referring to them as ‘distant relatives of his royal family’.
Annoyed, they decided to ask the wise owl. “His correct name is… Vaccinium Oxycoccus, the owl replied with emphasis, adding “as it is the name first given to him by the Ancient Greeks”. The fruit and vegetables were left speechless. Then, they ran to their friend to let him know what his Greek name was. He got even more confused. Yet, when he heard he had such a magnificent name, he got so excited that went to double-check in the encyclopedia. As soon as he realized the owl was right, he dressed up as an ancient Greek, putting on a toga and sandals, and showed up in front of the other fruit and vegetables to present himself again. “What happened to Lord Cranberry?”, they asked him and burst into laughter to see how he had dressed up. “How about calling you 'fenberry' like good old times and avoid all the confusion?”, they added, and he became red with shame and tore his toga apart. Since that day, and after learning his lessons, he answers equally to all the names given to him in all languages....
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