A SPOON that once lived in a household was very greedy, always spilling the soup on the tablecloth every time he got served as a result. "It would help if you didn't gorge in the bowl!", the other silverware scolded him. So greedy was he, however, that the coffee pot couldn’t stop spreading gossip about it.
"We heard you almost drowned in the soup last time", the silverware told the spoon one day. "Or at least that's what the coffee pot told us...!", they added, yet the spoon calmly dismissed the rumor. As soon as they were gone, however, he got angry at the coffee pot and went over to ask her to explain herself.
"It's not my fault, my good spoon, but rather yours, as you tend to plunge into the soup rather recklessly", the coffee pot told him. "And the problem with this, is that the soup plate is a shallow one. If you want, however, I could serve some coffee for you in a tall cup, so that you can prove everybody you can drink it without spilling everything over", she added. The spoon got puzzled with the proposal at first, only to accept the challenge with enthusiasm soon thereafter.
"And what about me?", a straw that was sitting on the kitchen bench asked. "Well, you can have the soup, as the spoon will be busy with the coffee", the coffee machine answered. They both agreed to hold a competition in front of the other silverware of the household so as to prove who could do the other's job with more grace.
So it happened. The next day, they placed a soup plate and a tall coffee cup on the kitchen counter. The spoon and the straw moved into position. As soon as the coffee pot gave them the starting signal, they plunged into their plates: this time the spoon licked the coffee cup, whereas the straw guzzled the soup. "I did it!", exclaimed the straw a few minutes later, showing the other silverware the empty plate, which was cleaned to the very last soup drop. Our good spoon was not even half-way through, however, as it kept diving in the coffee out of greediness, the liquid bouncing in and out of the cup. "A few more minutes please!", the spoon requested and kept trying. The minutes then became hours, until eventually it got dark outside and everyone went to bed.
The next day that they woke up, he was still trying. "If only you drank your coffee slowly and cautiously instead of greedily and hastily, you would have finished… yesterday!", they told him. And so, our good spoon had to admit that his movements were way so quick and clumsy that it kept falling in the cup, never to finish his task.
"Our winner is then... the straw!", the coffee pot said, and the spoon became anxious that he would soon be left with no work to make ends meet. "No, our big winner is the spoon who will, from now, on change his manners!", the silverware exclaimed and asked them to stick to their previous roles in the household.
From that day, our good spoon learned how to eat soup properly. With slow, cautious movements and without spilling everything all over the table as he did before.
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